Dental Implant FAQ - Phoenix, AZ

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Our Dental Implant FAQ

Dental implants provide the ultimate in tooth replacement, a permanent solution that restores superior function and esthetics after tooth loss. However, the process for receiving dental implants is complex and requires more detailed planning than other restorative treatments. It may also leave you with many questions regarding the process, what to expect and how much it will cost. 

Our team at Phoenix Implant Clinic is transparent about our treatments and will provide personalized solutions for your oral health needs and smile goals. We’ve created a list of common questions that our patients ask about dental implants in Phoenix, AZ, and we encourage you to review them before scheduling a consultation with us.

A dental implant is made up of three parts: a titanium or ceramic post, an abutment and a restoration. Built to function like natural tooth roots, dental implants provide bone support and a stable foundation for a single dental crown, a dental bridge, a denture or a full arch prosthesis.

Dental implants are the only permanent tooth replacement option, and they’re designed to last for decades. Because they are surgically inserted into the jawbone, they provide health and functional benefits comparable to natural teeth.

Dental implants have achieved a consistently high success rate (over 95%) since their introduction decades ago. Greater success is achieved through a combination of surgical technology, high-quality materials, clinical experience and long-term maintenance.

Dental implants can greatly improve the appearance of your smile by providing a permanent solution to missing or damaged teeth. They are designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth, and can help you achieve a more natural-looking smile. 

Dental implants can greatly improve the appearance of your smile by providing a permanent solution to missing or damaged teeth. They are designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth, and can help you achieve a more natural-looking smile. 

Find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants today!

The cost of dental implants is based on many factors, including how many teeth are missing and for how long, the types of materials used, and what additional procedures are needed. Our team can help you apply for dental financing and will file insurance claims on your behalf to help you afford treatment.

Find out your personalized pricing for dental implants today!

With advanced surgical technology, modern dental implant placement is efficient and precise. Often, the procedure can be completed in just a few hours using patient-fitted surgical guides. The length of your surgery depends on several factors, but you’ll remain comfortable no matter how long it takes.

Dental implant surgery is completed while you are under sedation. You will feel no pain, and you may even sleep lightly through your procedure! Most patients have no memory of their appointment or the procedure.

Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure and it’s recommended that you rest for a few days after your appointment. Patients generally report minor discomfort that can be mitigated with over-the-counter medication. You should be able to return to normal activities after one week. A soft food diet is required for the next several months as the implants integrate with your jawbone.

Dental implant treatment can range from a few months to over a year. In many cases, implants can be surgically placed soon after the consultation and treatment plan are complete. For patients needing bone grafting, this may be a separate procedure, requiring several months of healing before dental implant surgery. After dental implants are placed, healing can take three or more months before optimal integration is achieved and a final restoration can be permanently attached. In many cases, patients can wear a temporary restoration during healing.

Dental implants are cared for just like natural teeth and require no special maintenance. Brush twice a day and floss once a day. Depending on your restoration, a water flosser may be needed to ensure all food debris is removed.

Yes, you should still maintain your routine dental appointments. Dental implant restorations are resistant to decay, but can still develop peri-implantitis. This infection of the gums around the implants develops as a result of bacteria from plaque and tartar buildup. You should maintain your regular dental hygiene routine and see your dentist every six months.

Dental implants are designed to last for decades, and have the potential to last for the rest of your life! Surgical technology and clinical experience, along with healthy habits, ultimately affect the longevity of your implants. Choosing an experienced implant team like ours at Phoenix Implant Clinic provides more precise and accurate surgery that better guarantees the long-term success of your treatment.

Have Additional Questions?

Request a consultation with our implant team in Phoenix, AZ today!

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