
All On 4 Full Mouth Implants - Phoenix, AZ

Dental Implants Made a huge difference in my smile

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My All-On-X Procedure Was Life Changing!

Get the Fully Functioning Smile You Deserve

While traditional dental implants offer unparalleled support for dental crowns, bone grafting is often required and it takes many months for the sites to heal. At Phoenix Implant Clinics, we offer All-on-4 and All-on-X full mouth dental implants in Phoenix, AZ. 

This innovative implant protocol makes it possible to get new teeth in a day—without waiting for the implant sites to heal and typically bypassing the need for bone grafting. All-on 4 to 6 full arch dental implants are an ideal solution for patients with missing teeth because they provide exceptional longevity, functional benefits and a natural appearance. 

With just four to six strategically dental implants placed per arch, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits of fully functioning, natural looking teeth. Dr. Eddie Harsini and his team are dedicated to providing the best, evidence-based dental implant technology and techniques. 

In addition to placing thousands of dental implants and completing advanced dental implant courses, Dr. Harsini is a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. 

If you’re tired of hiding your smile, miss eating your favorite foods or dealing with the many other consequences of tooth loss, you may be a perfect candidate for full mouth dental implants in Phoenix, AZ!

We can help put an end to your painful and discouraging symptoms with full mouth solutions that fit your lifestyle, smile goals, and budget!

Traditional Dentures vs. Implant Supported Dentures

Due to progressive jawbone loss, traditional dentures can become ill fitting and cause considerable discomfort, necessitating the need to reline them every few years. Common complaints among traditional denture wearers include slippage, gum irritation, speech difficulties, messy adhesives and the need to remove and soak them overnight in denture cleaning solution. 

Furthermore, an estimated 29% of denture wearers eat only soft or mashed foods and 50% avoid many foods altogether. Relying on dental implants as the support structure for dentures eliminates these issues, while providing greater security, comfort and confidence. Overdentures can be full or partial, removable or fixed in place, depending on your personal preferences and oral anatomy. 

A snap-in denture relies on two to four locators on the underside of the plate that attach on top of implant abutments. While snap-on dentures eliminate the need for messy adhesive and shifting or gum irritation, routine care and maintenance is the same as a traditional denture. 

All-on-4 to 6 full arch dental implants are crafted from durable materials to fully restore oral function and beauty. Since they’re permanently attached to dental implants that fuse with your underlying bone, you’ll never have to worry again about slippage, painful gums or limiting the foods you eat.

full dentures

Traditional Dentures

implant supported dentures model

Implant Supported Dentures

Full Mouth Dental Implants

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Get a Dream Smile in Three Streamlined Steps

If you’ve been dealing with the many repercussions of missing teeth, All-on-4 to 6 can change your life! After the procedure, you’ll be amazed by your brand new smile and enjoy a world of new food options and rejuvenated self-confidence. 

At Phoenix Implant Clinics, we’ve seen the profound changes countless patients experience with full mouth dental implants in Phoenix, AZ and feel privileged to be able to deliver this life-changing treatment! When you choose our practice to receive full mouth dental implants, the process is performed in three streamlined steps—with advanced digital technology throughout the entire treatment process.

Step One: Consultation and Planning Step One: Consultation and Planning

Doctor going over dental implant information with patient within the dental office

Your full arch dental implants journey starts with a consultation and oral exam. This includes an in-depth conversation about your smile goals and telling you what to expect throughout the process. 

We’ll review your dental health and past medical history, take digital X-rays and a use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to analyze your bone structure, nerve tissue and sinus cavities. About 150–200 images created in less than a minute are compiled into a single 3D picture that we use to precisely plan your dental implant surgery.

Step Two: Guided Implant Surgery

doctor during a guided dental implant surgery

To ensure your ultimate comfort and alleviate any anxiety, we offer nitrous oxide, oral sedation and IV sedation in addition to using a local anesthetic to numb your implant sites. If you have any existing teeth, these are extracted along with any damaged gum tissue. The 3D image taken during your first visit helps Dr. Harsini determine the most optimal areas in your jawbone to place implants, usually without the need for bone grafting. 

If you do need bone grafting, this can sometimes be done in the same visit as surgery. The placement of dental implants starts by marking each insertion point on the surface of the bone. Then Dr. Harsini drills small pilot holes for the implants at precise angles to obtain the greatest possible strength and stability, while being careful to avoid contact with underlying nerves or sinus cavities. 

Once the implants are inserted and tightened, gum tissue is placed back around the implants and incisions are closed, either with sutures or a laser. Then you’re fitted with a temporary prosthesis so you don’t have to live another day with missing teeth.

Step Three: Healing and Final Restoration

Before After
Before After

It takes dental implants three to six months to fuse with new bone growth in your jaw in a process called osseointegration. We recommend eating a soft-food diet for the first few months after the procedure in order to enable implants to fully integrate and bond with the surrounding bone. 

Once the healing process is complete, you’ll return to our practice and we’ll take another set of impressions to craft your final prosthesis. Your beautiful new teeth are crafted from zirconia, a high-quality ceramic material that looks and feels like natural teeth. Zirconia provides 10 times the strength as natural tooth enamel and up to five times that of porcelain.

calculating the cost of dental implants

We Deliver Affordable and Durable New Smiles

At Phoenix Implant Clinics, we believe full mouth dental implants should be accessible to anyone who needs them. 

From day one, we pride ourselves on open communication and transparency about costs, so you’ll know what to expect and never be subjected to hidden fees. 

In addition to highly competitive prices, we accept insurance from many carriers and offer third-party financing to make getting full mouth dental implants even more affordable. 

Our full mouth dental implants come with a warranty, as long as you visit us for regular six-month checkups so we can properly monitor and maintain your radiant new smile.

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